Title: Lead Artisan
Certifications: Certified Lead-Safe Renovator, OSHA: Personal Protective Equipment (Electric, Hand and Power Tools), Fall Protection (and Stairways and Ladder Safety), Safety
Summary: An experienced carpenter, John has specialized in cabinetry and trim work for 19 years. He enjoys the reward of taking a raw piece of wood and turning it into something special the meticulousness in process that separates something great from something good.
Experience: With Silent Rivers, John is happy to work with colleagues driven by a comparable expectation of the highest quality craftsmanship. “Everybody here is a team player, knows what they’re supposed to do, and goes to it with seriousness and creativity.” Similarly, John appreciates good relationships with clients and the extraordinary results created. One such project involved extensive custom cabinetry. John remembers, “I really enjoyed the collaborative nature of that relationship. And I was able to deliver precisely what that client wanted even when he couldn’t always put it into exact words.”
I’m drawn to the art of the making – the transformation. Not everybody has a knack for doing that. I just knew when I started 19 years ago, like I felt a desire for it in my soul. It’s not by chance that I wound up here.”
More About John Miller: He also enjoys having the opportunity to do more work with historic restoration. One of his favorite professional experiences before joining Silent Rivers was helping remodel the Iowa State Capitol building dome -- not only for the renovation project itself, but for the daily discoveries of historical material that emerged and the encounter with the building’s original structure.