Title: Marketing Coordinator
Certifications: Graphic Design - Northern Illinois University, Interior Design - Illinois Institute of Art
Summary: My role at Silent Rivers encompasses many areas. Besides designing and producing marketing materials, I coordinate events, and work with the managers to ensure that the voice of the company is consistent.
Experience: Born and raised in the Chicago area I have worked in the graphic design/print media arena my entire career. I have owned several companies including an advertising agency and an embroidery studio. Moving to Iowa in 2011, I began working with presentation and large scale graphics. I was excited to join the Silent Rivers team in 2022.
All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward - Ellen Glasgow”
More About Victoria (Tori) Fitzgibbons: I enjoy cooking, college football (don't judge me, I'm a Husker fan), taking road trips with my husband, and just about any adventure that comes my way.