Back in January we shared a unique project that included a water feature in our post Impressive Water Feature Brings Modern Zen to a Front Entryway as part of a front yard remodel. A celestial-themed fountain was the homeowner’s inspiration for creating this very unique entry to their home.
We have been watching and waiting for the summer foliage to be in perfect bloom and the lighting to be just right around this water feature. Well, the time has come to share the results of our efforts, along with those of Green Bean Landscapes and Mother Nature. Enjoy!

A series of paths and rings intersect to provide connections from one element to another in the new landscape.

The homeowner’s existing metal sculpture was placed on a new custom-formed concrete base on an axis with paths that lead both to the front door of the home and to the new water feature.

Water drapes over the edge of the basin. The concrete path breaks into steppingstones that ‘float’ on the water of the reflecting pool. The path is also on axis with a new Japanese maple tree that is framed by the existing roof and columns of the covered entry walk.

Summer morning sunlight streams in across the front yard and the reflecting pool. This is a lovely time to enjoy a cup of coffee sitting on the edge of the pool.

The greens and reds of the new landscaping provide a beautiful contrast to the tan brick of the home.

The “floating” concrete steppingstones on the reflecting pool. Family and guests can sit on the edge of the pool, splash their feet and enjoy this peaceful and modern garden area.

As the water falls out of the basin it creates a veil that plays with the light and shadow on the side of the bowl. Soothing waterfall sounds add to the ambience.
We love these kinds of unique outdoor projects. If you are thinking about transforming your outdoor space to enjoy next spring, it’s time to contact us! Get more ideas by browsing our gallery of Landscape Projects and Decks & Patios.